The Virgin of Guadalupe Awaits to be Our Mother 

Pope Francis presided over a Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican on the day of the Virgin Guadalupe on 12 December, The Holy Father assured that the Virgin “begs us to allow her to be our mother and to open our lives to her Son Jesus.”

During his homily, Pope Francis assured that ” God leads the history of humanity at all times, nothing is outside of his power, which is tenderness and provident love.”

“It becomes present through a gesture, an event or a person. He does not stop reaching out to our world, needy and hurt, to assist him with his compassion and his mercy, ”he said.

In this line, the Pope explained that “his way of intervening, of manifesting, always surprises us, and fills us with joy.”

He then said that “the coming of the Son in human flesh is the supreme expression of his divine method in favor of our salvation.”

“Thus – the Pope assured -, in Jesus, born of Mary, the Eternal enters into the precariousness of our time, becomes forever, irreversibly God-with-us and walks by our side as brother and companion”.

In addition, he pointed out that Jesus “came to stay. Nothing of ours is strange to him because he is ‘one of us’, close, friend, consubstantial with us in everything, except in sin”.

Later, he recalled that Our Lady of Guadalupe came to the blessed lands of America “to console and attend to the needs of the little ones, without excluding anyone, to cover them as a caring mother with her presence, her love and her consolation.” She is our mestizo mother,” added the Pope.


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