Spokane Bishop Thomas Daly is urging Catholic voters in Washington State to reject a proposed law that would require priests to break the seal of confession if they learn about child abuse during confession. The bill, introduced in both houses of the state Legislature, aims to change the law so that clergy must report child abuse without exceptions for cases learned in confession. Previous versions of the proposal included an exemption for information received only during confession, but the current bill does not include such an exemption.
State Senator Noel Frame from Seattle acknowledged that the topic is challenging for many legislators with strong religious beliefs but emphasized the need to act due to the number of child abuse victims. According to canon law, any priest who intentionally breaks the seal of confession is automatically excommunicated. Bishop Daly reiterated his strong opposition to the bill, stating that priests are committed to maintaining the seal of confession, even if it means going to jail.
He affirmed that the Diocese of Spokane takes child safety seriously and has a zero-tolerance policy for child sexual abuse. Daly encouraged the Catholic community to contact their state representatives to oppose the bill and called for prayers that legislators create laws respecting religious freedom. Similar efforts to mandate reporting by clergy have been attempted in Montana, Delaware, and Vermont but have not passed.