Pope Francis Asks Saint Faustina’s Intercession for Peace in Ukraine

Pope Francis explained during his greetings to the Polish-speaking pilgrims that “today in the liturgy we remember Saint Faustina Kowalska”.

“Through her, God showed the world that he should seek salvation in her Mercy,” the Holy Father said before the thousands of faithful who listened to him from Saint Peter’s Square.

The Pope then asked to remember this saint “thinking especially of the war in Ukraine”.

“Let us trust in the mercy of God, which can change the heart, and in the maternal intercession of the Queen of Peace. Let us not forget to pray for the martyred Ukraine, always asking God for the gift of peace”, he requested.

The Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Saint Faustina Kowalska, a Polish Catholic nun and mystic on 5 October.

She witnessed the apparitions that inspired devotion to Jesus of Divine Mercy. For this reason, Saint Faustina bears the title of “Apostle of Divine Mercy”.


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