Pope Francis met with young priests and monks from the Oriental Orthodox Churches and emphasized the importance of expressing common faith through love and respect. He reminded them that loving one another is essential for proclaiming shared beliefs. This meeting, part of a study visit to Rome, included clergy from various Oriental Orthodox Churches and was organized by the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity. The Pope regarded the visit as an “exchange of gifts,” enhancing theological dialogue alongside charity.
He highlighted this year’s 1,700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, which produced the Nicene Creed, a foundational statement of Christian faith. The Pope explained that the Creed represents a collection of core truths of Christianity and serves as a symbol of unity for believers. He likened Christians to “shards” that need to come together to fully express their faith, as evidenced by the plural form of the Creed: “We believe.”
Additionally, Pope Francis reflected on the Creed’s spiritual significance as a prayer that unites Christians with God, linking unity among believers to the profession of faith. He encouraged Christians to feel connected to all traditions when reciting the Nicene Creed, stressing that unity between Christians is crucial for a faithful relationship with God. He hoped the visit would symbolize the Church’s journey towards full unity as prayed for by Jesus.