Pentecost Novena- Day 2

Come, Father of the poor. Come, treasures you hold. Come, Light of all that lives!

The Gift of Fear

The gift of the Holy Fear of God fills us with a sovereign respect for God and makes us fear nothing more than to offend him by sin. It is a fear that arises, not from the thought of hell, but from the feeling of reverence and filial submission to our Heavenly Father. It is the fear principle of wisdom, which separates us from worldly pleasures that could somehow separate us from God. “Those who fear the Lord have a willing heart, and in his presence, they humble themselves” (Eccl 2,17).


Come, Oh blessed Spirit of Holy Fear, penetrate into the most intimate of my heart, may I have you, my Lord and God, before my face forever, help me to flee from all things that can offend you and make me worthy before the pure eyes of your Divine Majesty in Heaven, where You live and reign in unity of the ever Blessed Trinity, God in the world that has no end. Amen.

Our Father and Hail Mary, once. Glory

Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the flame of your love. Oh, God, who with the light of the Holy Spirit illuminates the hearts of your faithful, grant us that guided by the same Spirit, we enjoy what is right and rejoice with his heavenly comfort.

1.- Come, Holy Spirit, through your gift of Wisdom, grant us the grace to appreciate and estimate the goods of heaven and show us the means to attain them. Glory

2.- Come, Holy Spirit, by your gift of Understanding, enlighten our minds regarding the mysteries of salvation, so that we can understand them perfectly and embrace them with fervor. Glory

3.- Come, Holy Spirit, by your gift of Counsel, incline our hearts to act with righteousness and justice for the benefit of ourselves and our fellow men. Glory

4.- Come, Holy Spirit, by your gift of Strength, strengthen us with your grace against the enemies of our soul, so that we can obtain the crown of victory. Glory

5.- Come, Holy Spirit, by your gift of Science, teach us to live among earthly things so as not to lose the eternal ones. Glory

6.- Come, Holy Spirit, by your gift of Piety, inspire us to live soberly, justly, and piously in this life, to reach heaven in the next life. Glory.

7.- Come, Holy Spirit, by your gift of Fear of God, wound our bodies with your fear in order to work for the salvation of our souls. Glory


O God, who has united the nations in the confession of your name, grant us that those who have been reborn by the water of baptism, have the same faith in their hearts and the same piety in their actions.

O God, who sent the Holy Spirit to the apostles, hear the prayers of your faithful so that they may enjoy true peace, who by your grace have received the gift of true faith. We beg you, oh God, that your Holy Spirit kindle in our hearts that flame that Christ brought to earth and ardently desired to be lit.

Inflame, O Lord, our hearts with the fire of the Holy Spirit, so that we may serve you chaste in body and pure in heart. Enrich our hearts, Lord, by fully pouring out your Holy Spirit by whose wisdom we were created and by whose providence we are governed.

We beg you, oh Almighty and Eternal God, that your Holy Spirit defend us and dwell in our souls, so that in the end, we may be the temples of his glory.

We ask you, Lord, that according to the promise of your Son, the Holy Spirit leads us to the full knowledge of all revealed truth. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Daily Reading, Saints

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