On 2 September, in a gesture of deep faith and devotion, a group of men will meet in different cities of Peru with their rosaries in hand to carry out a public act of reparation in honor of the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary.
This event will take place at 9:00 am (local time) at the Ovalo Quiñones in Lima, the Peruvian capital; in the city of Chiclayo, in front of the Cathedral; and in the Juan Pablo II Park in the province of Callao.
In addition, it will take place at 4:00 pm in the Plaza de Armas in the city of Arequipa; at 5:00 pm in the Plaza de Armas of Trujillo; and at 6:00 pm in the Juan Pablo II Park in the city of Piura.
The Men’s Rosary was born as an initiative of Polish men in 2021. A year later it touched Peruvian lands. In the city of Lima, the first Rosary was prayed on May 28, the month of the Virgin Mary. Since that date, men from different parts of the Peruvian capital have been gathering at his feet every month.
The primary objective of this initiative is to repair the offenses inflicted on the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This entrustment is a response to the call of Our Lady, especially evidenced in the message of Fatima. The uniqueness of this spiritual enterprise lies in the fact that it specifically brings together men, highlighting the distinctive role that men play in the life of faith within the family and in society.
In the main cities of Peru, as well as in many parts of the world, this devotion is practiced on the first Saturday of each month, preceded, when possible, by the sacrament of Confession, as indicated by the Men’s Rosary in Peru.
On important dates, such as May 13 or October 8, thanks to the coordination of those in charge of each country, they meet almost simultaneously to pray the Rosary from all over the world.
Since the inauguration of the first men’s Rosary to date, various cities and nations have joined this devotion. Although the massive number of participants is not established as a determining criterion for holding these events, the response of thousands of men is notable.
“Armed with the powerful instrument of the Rosary, they have caused a resounding impact in the depths of the underworld through the sweet and transcendental name of ‘Santa María’”, says the organizers.