Global Day of Prayer for Myanmar’s ‘Forgotten Conflict’

Twenty million people in Myanmar require basic humanitarian relief, fifteen million require food, and 3.5 million have been internally displaced as a result of the country’s four years of conflict. However, most people forget about Myanmar’s ongoing civil war.

On February 1, individuals worldwide are joining Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) in setting aside time for prayer for peace in order to make sure that those affected by this conflict and its aftermath are not forgotten.

24-hour Eucharistic Adoration, which begins with the International Headquarters in Germany and continues with 23 ACN offices globally, is part of the Global Day of Prayer, which was chosen to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the beginning of the nation’s present civil conflict.

According to Regina Lynch, Executive President of Aid to the Church in Need International, “we have the impression that it’s a forgotten conflict, that the people are no longer aware, or maybe were not even aware at the beginning, that there is this terrible civil war going on in Myanmar.”

Daily Reading, Saints

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