Five Ways to be Happy

There is a scene in the movie Knocked Up. A father sits and watches the children play in the park, inflating bubbles. Their faces were full of joy. But when his father saw it, he was very sad. “If only I had something to enjoy, just like these kids are flying bubbles,” he says. But soon his thinking changed. “I can not enjoy anything else without seeing or enjoying the joy on the faces of these children.” This is a very huge eye-opener for us while watching this scene.

If our children are able to enjoy even the smallest things on earth, why not enjoy all the freedom we have? Theologians say that true Christians should always hold fast to happiness. Here are five ways to find happiness.

1. Be a Member of God’s Family

The reason why the children in the film are happy is that they are perfectly safe and satisfied in a family that has given them everything they need. We too belong to such a family – the family of God. May we possess the greatest grace that we can receive through the sacraments. May we also accept the true God who received us. See Confession as a medicine that heals the wounds of the heart. Make your family the home of Jesus Christ. Happiness will come to you.

2. Make Others Happy

Children are trying to find happiness in whatever is available to them. If we want to be happy like them, we must come to them. Naturally, it requires a lot of effort. Do not judge others and do not analyze their actions. But serve them. If we pay attention to all these things, we too can become like children. Help others. Give them what they need, or compliment them. Then their joy will follow you.

3. Find Happiness in all Situations

Happiness may be hidden somewhere in our worst case scenario. So we should try to find happiness in all our situations. No matter how great the darkness, there will still be a light in it. So is our life. Enjoy the goodness and beauty of whatever we are in.

4. Forgive Others

Forgiveness is the best way to reduce the burden on the heart. Being hostile to others is something that destroys our health and peace of mind. Remember that no matter how cruel they are, we do not have to hate others. Because being able to forgive is absolutely divine. When we forgive, we draw close to God and draw close to him. So forgive and lighten the burden of our minds, and our hearts will be filled with joy.

5. Ask for Happiness

We often ask our loved ones what we need. Equally important is to ask God for the happiness we need. You may be surprised to learn that we too have a deep desire to be happy. When we ask our God without hesitation, He will tell us where to find it.

Daily Reading, Saints

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