Do You Want to Be Happy?

Men have lost happiness and peace along with some changed virtues by the change of time. The ultimate goal of a man, who strives for wealth and fame, is to bring happiness and peace in life. But often it is limited to something else.

Here are some ways to regain lost joy and peace in life …

1. Set Aside Seven Minutes for Exercise

The saying ‘A sound mind has a sound body’ is very meaningful. An article in The New York Times a few months ago mentioned the scientific benefits of seven minutes of exercise. Exercise can relieve depression and stress and provide happiness.

Of the three categories of depression patients selected, the first group chose medications for the disease, the second group relied solely on exercise, and the third group exercised with medication. There were changes in all three groups but it was different.

When they were tested six months later, those who used the drug alone had a 38% chance of recurrence. It was found in 31% of those who went on a combination of medication and exercise, but only 9% of those who relied on exercise alone.

2. Learn to Smile

Being able to smile consciously is a great thing. In this way, one can attain a mind where goodness arises. Some of the people who work in the financial sector offer fake smiles to impress their customers. Others laugh heartily. Those who smiled heartily at this were able to behave optimistically throughout the day and show increased efficiency at work compared to other categories.

A recent study by Michigan State University found that. Laughing heartily will make others happy with you.

3. Spend Time with Family and Friends

Every human being is born on this earth to do a deed assigned to him. There is something else that goes along with these duties; One that each of us desperately wants out of our lives. When I say goodbye to this world, I can say with full conviction that everything I did was right. If we are not able to spend time with the family and friends we love and love, it will become the greatest pain. Spending time with family can enhance mutual love and thereby bring happiness.

As the result of a study conducted of 268 people at Harvard University, renowned psychiatrist George Violet came to the conclusion in just three words that ‘Happiness is love’. Love is happiness!

4. It is Best to Reduce the Length of Travel to the Workplace

When you have to travel to work twice a day and seven days a week, it is advisable to travel as little as possible. Road congestion and traffic jams can affect the mood.

5. Breathe Fresh Air

Studies show that spending at least 20 minutes a day with nature outside the home can have a significant impact on your health and mood.

6. Find Time for Others

Set aside 100 hours a year, or 2 hours a week to help others. A study of 150 people found that happiness comes from spending for one’s own needs and doing for others.

7. Take Trips

It is a good idea to take occasional excursions as the daily workload and routes of travel can be tiring for people. Shawn Anchor’s The Journal of Happiness Studies says that even remembering to watch a favorite movie can increase the body’s hormone endorphins by 27%.

8. Sleep Well

Sleep can also lead to positive thoughts, just as sleep can help you to regain your body functions for the better the next day. At the same time, lack of sleep can affect bad thoughts. It is the amygdala in the brain that paves the way for bad thoughts; Hippocampus optimism. Insomnia is the most debilitating condition of the hippocampus. Therefore, proper sleep will bring happiness to the body and mind.

9. Meditation

Meditation is something that gives happiness to the mind. Studies have shown that meditation is a source of happiness, as it allows one to understand oneself and think about nature and man.

10. Be Grateful to Each Other

We are indebted to the good that happens to us every day. In this way, it is possible to increase love for one’s fellow man and thereby achieve peace and happiness.

Daily Reading, Saints

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