25 January 2022 Mark 16:15-18
Solemnity of the Conversion of St. Paul
The Church dedicates a day (January 25) to commemorate the conversion of St. Paul as it is unique in the missionary perspective of the Church. Celebration of his conversion (1st Reading, Acts 9:1-22) is also the celebration of his life long-mission (Gospel, Mk. 16:15-18) because it was unique, dramatic, extraordinary and momentous.
Paul was called not only to be a preacher but also an example. He urged his followers to imitate him (2 Th. 3:7, 9; 1 Cor. 11:1). Not because of any of his credentials. He considered himself the worst of sinners, yet he knew God had pardoned him so that he could stand as an example for every sinner. What transformed him was abundance of grace (1 Tim 1:13). Paul is not judging himself harshly in declaring himself the foremost of sinners, but revealing that every conversion is a celebration of the mercy of God.
The Greek word for conversion is ‘metanoia’ means ‘turning from’ – ‘turning to’. St. Paul turning (from ‘blasphemer’ to a ‘tireless preacher’); (from ‘self-righteous Pharisee’ to ‘self-sacrificing evangelist’); (‘arrogant man’ to ‘untrodden man’- 2 Cor. 11:23 and (‘from a persecutor of the Church’ to ‘pillar of the Church’) (1 Tim. 1:13). Paul’s conversion reminds us that no one is beyond the reach of God’s grace, even the worst sinner of the world! Paul’s conversion is a revelation that every conversion is a celebration of the mercy of God.
We may be good Christian trying to lead a good Christian life but still we need conversion. Conversion is not a once for all experience, but an ongoing process lasting till the lasting breath. We need to turn from ‘daily routine’ to ‘surprises of God’! Amen.