Novena to the Infant Jesus of Prague: Day 05

Opening Prayer:

O Holy Infant Jesus of Prague, behold us prostrate at Thy feet imploring Thy blessing and assistance. We firmly believe in Thy goodness, Thy love and Thy mercy. We also know that the more we honor Thee, the more Thou wilt bless us. Remember that thou hast told us to ask, to seek, and to knock at the Door of Thy Infinite Mercy. So it is with the greatest confidence that we kneel before Thee today. Teach us how to ask that we may receive; show us how o seek what we find. Be pleased to listen while we knock, O Divine Infant Jesus, and open Thy loving Heart to our trustful supplication. Amen.

O Mary, Mother of God and our Immaculate Mother pray to Jesus for us.


Obedience of Jesus

“My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, that I may perfect His Work” (John 4:34)

These words of Jesus regarding obedience to the will of His Heavenly Father, teach us how we should obey the commandments of God. The Father’s will for Jesus; what was it? It was that Our Divine Savior should complete God’s work in souls; in the souls of men. It was that the Son of God should teach us, how to know, love and serve the Father; and that He should show us the way to heaven. Finally, it was the will of God the Father that Jesus should establish His church on earth, and leave His successors to continue the work of Redemption until the end of time.

Jesus was always obedient. At the age of twelve, He stayed for three days in the Temple of Jerusalem instructing the Doctors of the Law. However, as soon as Mary and Joseph discovered Him, He obediently went back to Nazareth with them. Likewise, every act during his public life was an act of obedience to the Father. How frequently did Jesus not remind his hearers that He had come solely to do the will of Him by whom He was sent into this world.

The obedience of Jesus can also be seen in His painful agony in the Garden of Gethsemani. Even while He was pleading with the Heavenly Father to remove the Chalice of suffering from Him, if it were possible, How did Jesus end His prayer? With an act of complete submission to the Father’s will. Three times Jesus repeated: “Not my will but Thine be done.” This should be an example to us in our prayers. Even though Jesus invites us to ask, to seek, and to knock, if it be not the will of the Father that we have what we are seeking, we should submit as Jesus did.

The obedience of Jesus Christ will continue until the end of time. How can this be so? Because the Sacrifice of the mass will continue until the end of time; and every time that the Holy Sacrifice is offered, Jesus comes down from Heaven at the words of the Priest. At this very moment, in some part of the world, Our Divine Victim is performing an act of obedience for our sakes, because somewhere in the world, a Mass is now being offered. Let us, therefore, implore this priceless virtue of obedience to the will of God in all the affairs of our life, remembering that: “The obedient man shall speak of victory.”

Concluding Prayer

O Divine Infant Jesus, Thou Who didst so perfectly obey Thy Heavenly Father, in all things, teach me how to obey all Thy commandments. Thou wert pleased to be born in a cave to free me from the darkness of sin; now graciously draw me unto Thee and lend an attentive ear to my fervent supplication. If it is for Thy greater glory and the salvation of my soul, I humbly pray Thee, grant the petitions of this Novena. (Here mention petition)… O Holy Infant I adore Thee as my Creator and Redeemer; I acknowledge Thee as my King and Lord. Set me on fire with Thy love, and accept the tribute of all the affections of my poor heart. Help me to live a life worthy of Thy Divine Promises. Amen
O Mary Help of Christians, help me to be obedient to Thy Divine Son in all-things!…

Pater, Ave, Gloria. (Once)

Divine Infant Jesus Obedient from the Crib to the Cross, teach me to be obedient in Thee in all things and have mercy on me.

Daily Reading, Saints

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