Saint Lucy can Take Care of Your Eyes 

Do you have any eye ailments and vision problems? You can ask for intercession to Saint Lucy. Definitely, she will take care of your eyes. It is needed to know the

Saint  Lucy was born in Syracuse, Sicily, to wealthy, honorable Christian parents. However, at the age of fourteen, she was betrothed by them to a young pagan nobleman. But she was reluctant to marry him as she had already given her heart to God.

Finally, her mother was stricken with a grievous disease, under which she languished for four years, and no physician was found able to help her.

Saint Lucy urged her mother to visit the tomb of St. Agatha (in Catania, Sicily,) who, in 251, suffered the cruelest martyrdom. Lucy took her mother to the tomb and through her prayers and those of St. Agatha, she obtained the cure for her mother.

Lucy then told her of the vow that she had made to God. She conveyed her wish to serve the poor and needy. Later, her mother in gratitude for her cure consented. When the young nobleman to whom Lucy had been betrothed, heard of this, he was enraged and went immediately to Pascasius, the Governor, and denounced her as a Christian.

Saint Lucy, Virgin Martyr

Pascasius ordered Lucy to be brought before him. He commanded her to sacrifice to the gods. When she refused, he ordered her to be taken to a place of shame and treated with indignity. When the wicked men attempted to seize her and drag her away by force, the maiden suddenly became, by the power of God, immovable. The more they tried to move her, the more firmly she stood before them. In his rage, Pascasius ordered a fire to kindle around her. Seeing that she looks without any harm, one of the servants thrust a sword through her throat, and of this wound, God was pleased to let her die.

It is not related in her Acts how or when she suffered the loss of her eyes, but most careful historians mention this as one of her grievous torments. St. Lucy is invoked by those who wish to preserve the precious gift of sight. After her death, the Christians took her body and buried it at the very place where she had suffered with such constancy, and a church was erected there afterwards bearing her name.













Daily Reading, Saints

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