What the Holy Family Teaches Us this Christmas!

After the birth of Jesus, the life and attitude of the family can be imitated by each parent. There is no suffering or miseries that they do not go through and experience. The decisions they made with God to protect and care for their own son were not ones that put off suffering. These were the ways in which suffering was stopped. What the Son of God experienced in his life is the answer to the pain in our lives. Parents need to meditate on the tender love of Joseph and Mary for their son.

Jesus, the Son of God, came with us to live through pain and suffering.

A mother who devoted her entire life to her son Jesus. She was immaculate and pure.

Joseph, a foster father who cares for his son like the apple of his eye, even in his poverty. Righteous Joseph‌- That is the adjective the Bible gives him.

May we be able to meditate and exemplify the life of the Holy Family this Christmas.

Daily Reading, Saints

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