Lent is the season we meditate on the value and importance of the Holy Cross. When we pass through suffering and pain, we visualize the cross of Jesus in our imagination and thoughts. More or less, no life without a cross shows Jesus himself to us. Here are some quotes by saints on the value of the cross.
1. “Apart from the cross there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven.“ – Saint Rose of Lima
2. “In difficult moments, I will fix my gaze upon the silent Heart of Jesus stretched on the Cross, and from the exploding flames of His merciful Heart, will flow down upon me power and strength to keep fighting.” – St. Faustina
3. “The cross is the school of love.” – St. Maximilian Kolbe
4. “Mount Calvary is the mount of lovers. All love that does not take its origin from the Savior’s passion is foolish and perilous. Unhappy is love without the Savior’s death. Love and death are so mingled in the Savior’s passion that we cannot have one in our hearts without the other. Upon Calvary, we cannot have life without love, or love without the Redeemer’s death.” – St. Francis de Sales
5. “Do everything for God, uniting yourself to him in word and deed. Walk very simply with the Cross of the Lord and be at peace with yourself.” – St. Francis de Sales
6. “As they were looking on, so we too gaze on his wounds as he hangs. We see his blood as he dies. We see the price offered by the redeemer, touch the scars of his resurrection. He bows his head, as if to kiss you. His heart is made bare open, as it were, in love to you. His arms are extended that he may embrace you. His whole body is displayed for your redemption. Ponder how great these things are. Let all this be rightly weighed in your mind: as he was once fixed to the cross in every part of his body for you, so he may now be fixed in every part of your soul.” – St. Augustine
7. “If you seek patience, you will find no better example than the cross.” – St. Thomas Aquinas
8. “Everything is a reminder of the Cross. We ourselves are made in the shape of a cross.” – St. John Vianney
9. “How precious the gift of the cross, how splendid to contemplate! In the cross there is no mingling of good and evil, as in the tree of paradise: it is wholly beautiful to behold and good to taste. The fruit of this tree is not death but life, not darkness but light. This tree does not cast us out of paradise, but opens the way for our return.” – St. Theodore the Studite
10. “But far be it from me to glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” – St. Paul
11. “The more deeply the cross penetrates, the better; the more deprived of consolation that your suffering is, the purer it will be; the more creatures oppose us, the more closely shall we be united to God.” – St. Paul of the Cross
12. “If you seek patience, you will find no better example than the cross. Great patience occurs in two ways: either when one patiently suffers much, or when one suffers things which one is able to avoid and yet does not avoid. Christ endured much on the cross, and did so patiently, because when he suffered he did not threaten; he was led like a sheep to the slaughter and he did not open his mouth”. – St. Thomas Aquinas
13. “No one, however weak, is denied a share in the victory of the cross. No one is beyond the help of the prayer of Christ.” – Pope St. Leo the Great
14. “Let us adore the Cross. It is the sign of the Christian, and the sign of Christian victories. Cross and Blood: what must that wood have looked like after the death of our Lord! The Cross was soaked in the Redeemer’s Blood; and so when you see a Cross, think of the Blood of Christ, poured out for you, and don’t deny him what he is asking you for. When we opened our first house, I had a cross put there without the Crucified Christ, as a shout, a cry, a loving act of atonement to our God, an invitation to each of us not to despise the sufferings we may meet in our lives.”- St. Josemaria Escriva
15. “We cannot go to heaven in featherbeds.” – St. Thomas More
16. “Let us look to the cross and be filled with peace, knowing that Christ has walked this road and walks it now with us and with all our brothers and sisters.” – St. Teresa of Avila
17. “God had one son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering.” – St. Augustine