And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens (Lk. 1:20).
Two incidents happening in the context of the annunciation of John the Baptist’s birth is noteworthy in the advent context.
First, Mutilation of Zachariah’s voice: Angel Gabriel tells Zachariah “Zachariah, you will be mute – unable to speak; until the day all these things take place because you have not trusted my words”. His voice was mutilated for not believing God’s words. He just focused on human impossibility of old age pregnancy rather than focusing on divine possibility. At the first impression we might feel that the mutilation of Zachariah’s voice as a punishment given to him for his weak faith for not believing the Word of God. It was not a punishment. It was the prescription of a medicinal remedy for his weak faith! Nine months silence by locking his tongue! The seed of faith needs a certain time and space to grow just like an unborn child needs the shelter of mother’s womb. Prayerful silence and reflection of nine months helps Zachariah to ponder on the mysteries of God at work in him.
Secondly, Elizabeth choice of seclusion: Gospel tells, “She went into seclusion for five months”. At the first impression we would feel that Elizabeth chose for silence because of her shyness of becoming pregnant in her old age. She did not want to expose her pregnancy to the public. That is not the reason. We should conclude that Elizabeth might have realized the wisdom behind the medicinal remedy given to Zachariah (9 months silence) and so she also goes into days of silence.
The house Zachariah becomes a ‘retreat house’ of prayerful silence and reflection where they pondered deeply on the mysteries of God at work in them.
Conclusion: Mutilation of Zachariah’s voice and Elizabeth’s choice of seclusion reminds us of the importance if prayerful silence and reflection in the Christmas context. Let the noisy features of Christmas not spoil our interior silence. Noisy features can be categorised into two: (1) Interior noisy features: Some of our dispositions and attitudes of the heart are noisy like doubts, fear, anxiety, resentment feelings, humiliation, pride etc. Silence of the soul is possible by washing out our sins through repentance. (2) Exterior noises: Our uncontrolled pre-occupations with what to eat (Christmas parties), where to celebrate, what to purchase (frantic shopping), concerns of merry making etc. may deviate us from the true spirit of Christmas.
Let us be aware of the importance of prayerful silence, reflection and mediation on mysteries of God at work in these days of preparation. God speaks in silence. God’s Word grows and matures in a heart of prayerful silence. Amen.
Fr. Jerry Joseph Vallomkunnel MCBS