A smartphone is like a sharp knife. It can be beneficial or harmful depending on how it is used. You must train your children to use this ‘sharp’ tool wisely. There are many dangers hidden in front of smartphone users that
Smartphones can bring everything good or bad about the internet at your fingertips. When smartphones are given to children, they are exposed to exploitative people and misleading ideas. We may often forget this.
Children are immature. It can be said that today children are born on smartphones. But many parents may have started using these recently. Parents should not know anything about this technology, children can make the right decisions when it comes to using smartphones.
It may be true that kids know how to use smartphones better than you. But knowing how to use it and using it maturely are two different things. No matter how well a child knows how to use a smartphone, parents should also consider using it responsibly.
Without teaching your child to drive, how would it be if you put him in the driver’s seat of the car and tell him to drive carefully? It is like giving a smartphone to a child without proper training.
Be aware of your child’s phone settings. Understand the settings that help your child control phone use.
The more you understand about your child’s phone, the better you can help your child use it responsibly.
Set limits. Decide in advance what you will and will not allow.
Do not allow your child to use the phone during meals or when visiting a family friend.
It is not good for the child to have the phone with him when he goes to bed alone at night. Likewise, don’t allow children to use apps without your permission. Tell your child upfront what restrictions you are setting.
Do not hesitate to correct the child if the limits are violated.
Similarly, know the password of the child’s phone. It’s a good idea to check the information on the phone, including text messages, pictures, apps, and websites that your child has visited.
As a parent, you have the right to know how your child uses the smartphone.
Teach values. Instil in the child the desire to do right. Why is this important? No matter what restrictions the parents put in place if the child does not want to do it right, it will not be of much use. However, he will try to do what he likes in the eyes of his parents.
So train the child to develop good qualities like honesty, self-control and a sense of responsibility. A child with moral values ​​inside is more likely to use the phone in a good way.