Today the Tuesday of Controversy 

Today is the Tuesday in the Holy Week. It is also called the Tuesday of Controversy.

The Triduum – let us remember – is equivalent to “the central days of the liturgical Year”, in which we celebrate “the mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Lord” (cf. Pope Francis, General Audience. Wednesday, 31 March 2021). The Easter Triduum begins late in the afternoon of Holy Thursday until the emergence of Easter joy on the night of Holy Saturday, with the celebration of the Vigil, a joy that must continue on Sunday.

It is advisable to take Holy Tuesday very seriously, with reverence and a humble spirit. It is an excellent occasion to intensify the climate of prayer – on a personal, family or community level – and ask God that we can adequately welcome the great mysteries of our faith in the depths of our being.

Tuesday of Controversy

Holy Tuesday has been called “Tuesday of Controversy” because it remembers the moments in which Jesus had to face his accusers and those who had the power to condemn him.

The Lord appears before the religious and political leaders of the moment – a true atrocity since there has never been a more innocent man. Great must have been his pain when he knew he had been betrayed by one of his own, Judas, one who chose to close his eyes and betray them as an evildoer, making him a target of distrust, a source of controversy.

Christ’s entire life, his words and his works would suddenly fall under the shadow of suspicion. Suddenly, the light of the teacher has become a cause of doubt among locals and strangers. The God-Made-Man finds himself, suddenly, subject to the powers of this world. He is not tortured yet, but people no longer recognize him. Before Jesus received the first blow, we men had already disfigured him.

From Controversy to Reconciliation

It is highly recommended that today we reflect on the ‘Way of the Cross’ (the Via Crucis ) and meditate on the sacrifice and pains of Christ. As the Lord suffered because of our sins, let us ask for forgiveness, let us seek to be in grace with Him again. Let’s approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation – let’s look for a priest to confess – and let’s not forget to give ourselves some time beforehand to do a good Examination of Consciousness.

Let us make Holy Tuesday a day to reconcile with the Father and with our brothers, just as Christ wants. Let us not forget that Holy Week is a favourable time to return to God if we are far from Him.


Daily Reading, Saints

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