Light is a common symbol of advent season and Christmas. Advent candles, lanterns, Christmas stars and various light decorations etc. make Advent-a season of Light and Christmas – a Feast of light. They are pointers to the ‘Light of the World’ (Jesus).
The two blind men in the gospel have physical affliction of blindness, but
they have clear inner vision of the ‘Light of the World’ (Jesus). They had the inner sight (faith) to recognize Jesus as the promised Messiah, the Son of David.
Christmas means the coming of Light (Jesus) to defeat different forms of possible darkness/blindness in us namely:
- Moral Blindness: Sinfulness, obstinacy, self-righteousness. Ex: Jesus calling
Pharisees and Scribes ‘You blind guides’ (Mt. 23:24). - Intellectual Blindness: Intellectual pride: "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven
and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned,
and revealed them to little children (Mt. 11:25). Mysteries of the kingdom was
hidden from the wise and the learned not because it was literally hidden from
them, but because they would feel self-sufficient even without God. There is
not space for God in the proud heart whereas a humble heart always leaves a
space for God. Shepherds were privileged to see the new born child because
they were humble. The magi although they were intellectuals like scholars of
the law were able to see Him because they were humble as well at the same
time. Ignorance: - Spiritual Blindness: Forgetfulness of God from a materialistic and consumerist
life style. Ex; Rich Fool. - Psychic/ Mental/Emotional Blindness: Un-forgiveness, Depression, Anxiety
disorders. - Social Blindness: Injustice and insensitivity towards the needy. Ex: Growing
gulf between rich and poor.
The significance of Christmas is in its utmost importance today because
the varied blindness is visible in the world. When the light of Christ flashes into
the dark corners of human hearts people would discover their sinfulness and
change their hearts! Christmas ultimately means inviting Jesus the light of the
world in each one’s heart and life. Amen.
Fr. Jerry Vallomkunnel MCBS