The stubbornness of children is something that confuses many parents. How to deal with children who are struggling with crying and noise for the sake of feasibility remains a question mark in front of many parents. We often grant their wishes so that they may not be disturbed. But it is also the cause of increased stubbornness.
Here are three common ways in which children can get rid of stubbornness:
1. Ignore
When the child cries, do not give him immediately for what he/she had cried. Pretend you have not seen his mischievous deeds. When he cries and sees that his father and mother are not fulfilling his need, he will look for other ways for his essential possibility. But when he cries, rolls on the floor, and throws things away, he thinks that if he does what he wants, his parents will do things for him. That would make him more problematic.
2. Do not praise his stubbornness in front of others
Do not raise their stubbornness in front of children. When we make remarks in front of the child, he will think that he is doing something great and he will understand that his parents are paying attention to what he is saying. Parents also need to understand that it never creates a positive thought in the baby.
3. Warning
When you take your baby to public places or shopping, there will be things to do. Let the child know that if you behave politely there you can buy the item they want. If the child behaves politely, do not immediately give him what he asked for. Instead, it can be handed over after reaching home.
Remember that the main goal of the baby is to get what he wants. If the parents are able to convince the child that ‘there is no point in showing up’ and that ‘he got what he wanted because he behaved politely’, then the child’s stubbornness can be eliminated forever.