They Pray for a Miracle 1 Year after the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

One year after the consecration of Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Pope Francis, the spokesman for the Episcopal Conference of Russia, Fr. Kirill Gorbunov, assured that “the fruit that we hope for and for the one we pray for is basically a miracle.”

The Holy Father consecrated both countries in a ceremony held in St. Peter’s Basilica, in response to a request from the Latin-rite Catholic bishops of Ukraine on 25 March 2022.

Fr. Gorbunov said that they hope for a miracle, “because from a purely human point of view, there are not many reasons for hope at this time.”

“The greatest miracle of all is the conversion of hearts from hate and resentment to forgiveness and reconciliation. It is more difficult than moving mountains,” said the priest, who clarified that “it is difficult to talk about immediate results when we are faced with events of such deep spiritual significance.”

Fr Kirill Gorbunov commented that “Pope Francis’ decision to consecrate Russia and Ukraine together is a strong and much-needed reminder that in God’s eyes we are all his sinful and suffering children.”

“We all need His mercy, all of us who wish to repent and convert, He extends the same offer of forgiveness and salvation,” he added.

The spokesperson stated that “in times of war, there is always the terrible temptation to see the other side as less than humane. The consecration of Russia and Ukraine is a strong message against this temptation. Possibly the most difficult thing for people who are on opposite sides of a conflict like this is to continue to pray for one another and with each other.”

“The Church firmly believes that this fidelity to the communion between us is the only possibility of conversion and reconciliation. I think that what Pope Francis writes about the value and meaning of forgiveness in Fratelli tutti is not only a beautiful spiritual reading, but a very practical guide for us”, observed the priest.

The priest explained that the Catholic Church in Russia is helping people affected by the war. “Being a small minority, less than 1% of the population, Russian Catholics have very limited resources.”

“However, there is help at different levels: various groups of our parishioners collect food, clothing and medicine for the refugees,” Fr. Gorbunov said.

The priest indicated that “the structures of Cáritas, especially of the Diocese of San Clemente in Saratow”, provide essential help, as well as “consulting assistance in procedures, registration, pensions and benefits; Individuals, doctors, psychologists go as volunteers”.

Daily Reading, Saints

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