The Use of Holy Water

Holy water is a sacred object kept in every home as a symbol of the protection of God. This water, with the blessing of the priest, is a powerful spiritual weapon that saves us from the evil environment and the darkness of sin. Often many people do not know when to use the Holy water. Here are some situations in which holy water can be used:

1. To Bless Yourself

You can bless yourself with holy water. It will protect us from evil situations and temptations. Drawing the sign of the cross on the forehead with holy water before leaving the house will provide spiritual protection.

2. To Bless Families

The house we live in can be blessed with holy water. There is no specific time for it. Praying with holy water in faith will help to ward off the effects of evil in the family and its surroundings. You can pray by sprinkling holy water on your home and garden.

3. The Workplace can be Sanctified

Holy water can be used to purify the workplace. It will help us to glorify God in the work we do and thereby become a witness to others. At the same time, the use of holy water in times of trouble and crisis can increase the sense of trust in God.

4. Vehicles can be Sanctified

We are the ones who travel in vehicles every day. So praying daily with holy water will protect you from dangers. It also helps to avoid dangerous paths.

5. Can be Given to Patients

If holy water is sprayed on our house or on relatives who are sick, it will be a cure. Faithful prayer is also important. The use of holy water will help us to cling to God and to hold on to our courage despite physical suffering.

Daily Reading, Saints

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