The Nine Orders of Angels

We all are very fond of Angels and pray to them for protecting us. But we are of very least knowledge about angels. The Bible tells us, “[The Lord] will give His angels charge of you to protect you in all your ways” (Psalm 91:11). Angels are heavenly beings, superior to humans, who serve as messengers of God and guardians of human beings. The Bible plainly teaches that angels exist. There are more than 250 mentions of angels in Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. The Bible also indicates that angels are everywhere: “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so, you have unwittingly entertained angels” (Hebrews 13:2). Despite being mentioned countless times in the Bible and being all around us, there are still a number of popular myths circulating about angels that are completely untrue and not biblical. One area of confusion deals with the order of angels.

While there is no specific passage in the Bible that lists out the nine orders of angels there are parts of Scripture that speak to an angelic hierarchy. Pseudo-Dionysis, a Christian philosopher of the late 5th century CE, drew on passages from the New Testament as well as other sources of knowledge to put forth an angelic hierarchy which is featured in his book “De Coelesti Hierarchia.” Angels are organized into three hierarchies and nine orders (also called choirs) so that angels can be classified and ranked. Those three hierarchies contain three choirs. The ones that are revealed to us are broken down as follows: The First hierarchy contains Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones. The Second hierarchy contains Dominions, Virtues, and Powers. The Third and Final hierarchy contains Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. Here is the breakdown of each order:


These are the highest order or choir of angels. These particular angels serve as guardians or attendants before God’s throne. The only Bible verse where they are referenced is in Isaiah 6:1-7. They praise God, calling, “Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts.” The interesting thing about Seraphim is that they have six wings. Two of their wings cover their faces, two cover their feet and the other two are for flying.


Cherubim comes after the Seraphim. They are the second-highest in the nine orders of angels. They are alike men in appearance. They are double-winged and guardians of God’s glory. In the New Testament, they are often considered to be celestial attendants in the Apocalypse, referenced in in Revelation 4-6.


The Thrones are mentioned by the Apostle Paul in Colossians 1:16. This verse says, “For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him.” The Thrones are the angels of humility, peace, and submission. If the lower Choir of Angels need to access God, they would have to do that through the Thrones.


This group of angels are said to keep the world in proper order. They are known for delivering God’s justice. It is shown mainly in unjust situations. They show mercy toward human beings and help angels in lower ranks stay organized and perform their work efficiently. They also are recognized for expressing unconditional love at the same time they express God’s justice.


Virtues are known for their assistance with miracles. They control the elements. Some even refer to them as “the shining ones.”  They are also known for their work encouraging humans to strengthen their faith in God.


The Powers are called the Warrior Angels as they defend against evil, defending not only the cosmos but also humanity. As their name shows, they have power over the devil, in order to restrain the power of the demons. They also help people who are wrestling with passions advice to cast out any evil promoted by the enemy.


The Principalities have command over the lower angels. They also direct the fulfillment of divine orders. They are also known as Princedoms or Rules as they directly watch over large groups and institutions, including nations and the Church. They ensure the fulfillment of the divine Will. While these angels are still wise and powerful, they are furthest from God in the angelic hierarchy. They are better able to communicate with men in ways we can understand.


Archangels are called the great heralds of the Good News. They are sent by God to deliver important messages to mankind. They are the ones that communicate and interact with us. Michael is believed to be the angel who delivered God’s divine inspiration to John in the Book of Revelation and is known as the protector of the Church, guarding her from evil.

Michael is most widely known for his role in expelling Lucifer from heaven. Gabriel is first mentioned in the Book of Daniel and helps Daniel in his mission on earth. Later on, Gabriel appears to Zachariah and the Blessed Virgin Mary, delivering the greatest message ever that God meant to Incarnate and set his tent with us. Raphael is mentioned in the Book of Tobit, to heal Tobit and deliver Sarah from a demon. Raphael is mentioned in the Book of Tobit. The angel disguised as a human, guiding Tobias along the way and instructing him on what to do.


The angels are closest to the material world and human beings. They also deliver prayers to God and other messages to people on earth. One of the greatest characteristics about the angels is that they are most caring and social to assist those who ask for help.

According to Scripture, angels have various responsibilities and roles in God’s Kingdom. We are ultimately encouraged by the knowledge that God’s angels are at work. There are also circumstances where angels may even visit us. God, who is responsible for creating the angels has also promised us His presence in the face of life’s storms.

Daily Reading, Saints

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