The question still remains, why was Saint Valentine so closely associated with epilepsy? Much is made of the phonetic similarity in the German language between the words ‘fallen’ (fall) and ‘Valentine’. This reinforced St Valentine’s connection to epilepsy in German-speaking areas and led to common names for epilepsy in German such as “Saint Valentine’s illness” and “St Valentine’s affliction”. But in non-German speaking areas, St Valentine’s patronage was not so strong. In France, for example, Saint Johannes was an important helper for combating epilepsy (mal de Saint-Jean), and in Anglo-Saxon countries, especially in Catholic Ireland, it was Saint Paul.
The reputation of a Saint to be able to help is based upon his or her apparent success. Over the centuries St Valentine would have been called upon by thousands of Christians with epilepsy. If only by the law of averages he would have been credited with many miraculous cures and healings. Stories about these would have spread far and wide so enhancing his reputation and increasing the number of people who would turn to him for help which in turn would have led to yet more success stories. And so the connection with epilepsy is made and then reinforced down the ages.
Some of this reinforcement is seen in the iconic representations of St Valentine healing people with epilepsy. These are frequently encountered in southern Germany, eastern Switzerland, Austria and northern Italy. The first such representation appeared in The Nuremberg Chronicle, a great illustrated book printed in 1493. They often show the Saint with a boy or man having a seizure or apparently recovering from a seizure. This seems to echo the biblical story of Jesus curing the boy with epilepsy.
Arguably the greatest debate surrounding St Valentine is not about who he was or why he is connected to epilepsy. It is about whether or not he is actually beneficial to people with epilepsy. Still today there is much about epilepsy that cannot be naturally explained. In such circumstances people will continue to seek alternative rationales to try and make sense of their condition in whatever way they can. If this brings people comfort and hope and helps them to cope with their condition, just as it did in ancient times, who is to say this is not beneficial?
By Philip Lee, Epilepsy Action