Keeping the Holy Week as most holy is to be the desire of each and every faithful. As we are already in the Holy Week here are a few ways to make the most of the Holy Week.
- Display Palm Branches around your House
To maintain a spiritual atmosphere, you can arrange palms in a beautiful way on the front door. This is a great way to show your neighbors that you’re celebrating Palm Sunday and Holy Week. You could also place some palm arrangements around your home. If you don’t have palm branches, that’s not a problem. John’s Gospel is the only one that specifies the use of palm branches, so you could use any greenery or branches to welcome Christ into your home!
- Wash each other’s Feet
You can bring this Holy Thursday tradition into your home this Holy Week. After washing His disciples’ feet at the Last Supper, Jesus says, “If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet. I have given you a model to follow so that as I have done for you, you should also do” (John 13:14-15). Washing each other’s feet helps us not only to serve each other but also to imitate Christ. Jesus spent that evening rendering service to His friends. Likewise, our hearts should be service-oriented, and washing the feet is a good way to practice this.
- Venerate the Crucifix
If we can’t do this during a Good Friday Service, you can adapt it to take place in your home. Take a crucifix that’s hanging in your home and kiss Jesus’ feet. This is a sign of adoring Christ crucified and this tradition has been in practice in the church for centuries.
- Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet or the Rosary
These powerful and beautiful prayers are a best way to meditate on the Passion, and draw closer to Christ. The Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary are even more powerful when said in a group, which is yet another reason to pray them as a family!
- Pray Lectio Divina
The Passion narration in the Gospel can be chosen for Lectio Divina and it can lead you to immerse in the feel of the Passion Week. If you want to read the whole account of the Passion, take turns reading it or read it in sections. Pause for a few minutes and let the Lord speak to you in silence. Share with the members of the group the lines that stood out for you and what the Lord has been telling you.
- Pray the Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross helps you to meditate on Christ’s Passion. You can pray with your family and take turns leading each station by all the members of the family. And you can stand and kneel as you would if you were praying Stations in the church.