The History of St. Joseph’s Cloak of Rome 

The Catholic shares the history of the relic of the cloak of  St. Joseph. It is said that St. Jerome has been brought this to Rome from the Holy Land. It also includes the veil of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Both relics were kept in the Basilica of St. Anastasia in Rome for more than 1,600 years until 2020.

As the  Year of St. Joseph ends on 8 December 2021, the Diocese of Rome allowed the two relics to visit Catholic parishes around the city. The first and last stop of this visit was the Basilica of St. Joseph al Trionfale Romans and pilgrims had the opportunity to pray in this minor basilica on December 2-8.

The upper part of the reliquary holds the piece of Mary’s veil, while the chest below holds St. Joseph’s cloak. There is an old story that caused this sacred cloak to be considered a relic.

Joseph went to Mount Hebron to buy wood for his carpentry. However, Joseph had the money that was not enough to buy the timber. Joseph said that he would give his cloak as for the rest of the money.  The cloak was given as a gift by the Blessed Virgin Mary on their wedding day. That salesman named Ishmael was a miser. He resisted it at first. But in the end, he decided to accept the coat.

Ishmael’s eyes were sore. That is why he suffered so much. And it was not cured by drugs. But the day after Joseph put on his robe, Ishmael was healed. Ishmael’s wife, who was a hard lady. When she woke up that morning and she became gentle. His cattle disease was also cured after receiving the cloak of Joseph. All these miracles opened Ishmael’s eyes. He forgave the debt and gave Joseph and Mary all the wood they needed free from then on. Later, Ishmael and his wife are said to have visited the family of Nazareth

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