The Franciscan Saint who Walked Over Water

There is a saint who was known as the doer of great miracles when he was alive. He is St. Francis of Paola. He was a Franciscan monk who lived in the eleventh century. He was the one who lived closest to God in prayer and in solitude.

Fascinated by the lifestyle of Francis of Assisi, he formed the monastic community of Minim friars. Trying to live in solitude away from humans, he became known as a miracle worker at an early age. He did nothing to get anyone’s attention or to get the attention of others.  He prayed – sincerely, believed – deeply. That is the only thing he has done in his lifetime.

His faith, however, attracted many to him. Many people joined the monastic community following his way of life which was in harmony with God. It was during this period that he raised the dead and performed many miracles. Many kings came to this monk seeking spiritual advice.

The miracle that took place over the water is one of the most heard miracles of his works. Once he had to cross the river. When the boatman was approached, he did not allow enter the saint in the boat, as he did not have enough money to pay him. But he did not give up. Blessing the river he knelt on the bank of the river and prayed to God. After the prayer, he got up and started walking across the river, as if through dry land. Some other stories say that he put his robe on the water and sat on it and reached the other side.

For this one reason, St. Francis is known as the patron saint of sailors and boatmen.

Daily Reading, Saints

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