The Executed Spanish Journalist in the Spanish Civil War will be Beatified

Along with with the 27 Dominican martyrs killed for hatred of the faith during the Spanish Civil War, the layman and journalist, Fructuoso Pérez Márquez, a Dominican Tertiary arrested at his home on July 26, 1936, and executed will be beatified in the Cathedral of Seville (Spain) on 18 June.

He was executed at the dawn on August 15 on La Garrofa beach, near Almería, at the age of 52.

His granddaughter, María Ángeles Pérez said that, after arresting him, “they took him to the police station and from there to the makeshift prison in the convent of the Adorers.”

On August 3, they transferred him to the “Segarra” ship, and in the early hours of August 15, they executed him on the beach. Later they threw the body into the sea, along with those of others who had been shot.

“Before the execution, my grandfather was encouraging everyone from the point of view of faith, they died shouting ‘Long live Christ the King!’ and later they were thrown into the sea,” said María Ángeles Pérez.

Fructuoso became a well-known journalist. He was a correspondent in Almería for “Prensa Asociada” -founded in 1908-, and worked for several Spanish newspapers, becoming the director of “La Independencia” in 1922.

His granddaughter assured that “the wait for beatification has been very long since the process began when she was 11 years old, in 1962.”

The fact that a journalist is beatified “caused quite an impact and has been a satisfying and special process,” she explained later.

“It cannot be compared to any worldly satisfaction, it is a great joy. I would not know how to explain what the emotion is like, we have all experienced it as a family. My father has also passed it on to my children and they have known it forever. For us it is something very special, ”she assured.

Because Fructuoso always kept his Christian values ​​and principles firm, which he defended when carrying out his work as a journalist, he was denounced, prosecuted and even imprisoned.

In addition, María Ángeles explained that from prison she continued to write some articles, which she titled “Behind bars”.

Among his writings are some such as “Religious Topics”, “Topics in defense of the Church and its institutions”, “Topics in defense of the priesthood and religious” or “Topics in defense of morality”.

Daily Reading, Saints

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