Man is a social being. The people around us are with a variety of characters. But sometimes the actions of others can be upsetting to us. Those hurts can often lead us to endless hatred and animosity towards them. By harbouring anger towards others, we are the only ones who lose. It can destroy our peace of mind. So let’s get rid of the hatred inside us. Here are some spiritual tips to help.
1. Let’s Observe Nature
When we feel very angry with others, we can look at the nature around us. You can see how birds, animals and sparrows live there very peacefully. They all pass peacefully. You can have that conviction and try to make changes from it.
2. Anger Toward others Hurts Jesus
We must realize that when we are angry with others we harbour hatred towards them, it hurts Jesus more. He became human and suffered on the cross to teach people to love each other. Our suffering will not compare to the suffering of Jesus. From that realization, we must be able to forgive others.
3. Think about God’s Forgiveness
Let’s evaluate our own life. How many mistakes do we make in our life? All of them hurt God, our creator. But He forgives us and has mercy on us. We are obligated to show patience and mercy to others.
4. Offer in the Holy Eucharist
We cannot forget and forgive anger towards some people. It is normal for that to happen on occasion. We can offer such persons to the Holy Eucharist. Let us pray for the grace to forgive them. Then God will work there.
5. Find the Good in Others
Let’s remember the good moments the people who hurt us gave us. Love them and pray for them.