Sixth Sunday of Resurrection, Year A – Jn 14:15-21: Farewell Message

Fr. Joseph Pandiappalli MCBS

To make a farewell speech is not an easy thing. We experience it during a farewell or during a burial. Some people become unable to speak due to their flowing emotions. To find suitable words for farewell is also not easy.

Jesus speaks to his friends and disciples to his farewell. It was just before his passion and death. He spoke on different important themes and gave the perspectives, hope, consolation and confidence. From his long farewell speech we heard in todays gospel a small part.

First, Jesus speaks about love. It is normal that we think of love and friendship during farewell . We feel to be able to remain in contact through visits and remembrance. Jesus wants that his disciples keep his commandments and remain in his love. Jesus relates this love and friendship also to the Father in heaven. ‚Who loves God will love him and Jesus will love him and God will reveal himself to him‘. That means who loves Jesus and keeps his commandments Jesus will reveal him everything and they will enter into a relationship of three.

Jesus promises to his disciples that he would not leave them orphans. The disciples had left their own families and friends to follow Jesus. Jesus promises to come again. The first Christians lived from this hope of the second coming of Jesus. From this hope developed the phrase “ maranatha” “the Lord comes”.

Since the death of Jesus the Christians expect the second coming of Jesus. This promise of the second coming we experience today in the celebration of the sacraments. We grow in the hope of the coming of the Lord and in the confidence that the Lord will guide us.

A third promise or a offer in today’s gospel is the promise of the Holy Spirit as assistance and as the Spirit of truth. The Father sends his Spirit at the request of Jesus. The Spirit will remain with us always and strengthen us.

The world can not receive this spirit. Only those who are in friendship with Jesus will be able to receive the spirit. Jesus, the Father, the Holy Spirit and the disciples of Jesus should build up community and communion and should belong together. Jesus promises this experience of intimate relationship with God and building up communion with God that we can have every day and grow in it every day.

The message of the the farewell speech is consolation, hope, and love which we could receive today in a period of problems and insecurity. The sprit works among us. We are confident about it. We live in hope and love and faith.

Fr. Joseph Pandiyappalli MCBS

Daily Reading, Saints

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