Saturday of the 3rd Week in Advent: 21 December 2024, Lk. 1: 39-45 Mystery of Visitation

Fr. Jerry Vallomkunnel MCBS

“At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabet” (Lk. 1:39).

On the surface it looks like a social visit of two pregnant relatives. But while reflecting deeper this visitation is understood as a profound mystery of God. The focus of visitation as a mystery is merely the visit of Mary to Elizabeth, but the Son of God’s first visit to his precursor, John the Baptist.

It becomes a divine mystery in the context of the mysteries/hands of God at work through the Holy Spirit. Firstly, Virginity and Bareness: It is about how God visited these two women in their unique situations of virginity and barrenness. Mary is pregnant and her virginity is a mystery. Elizabeth is pregnant in her barrenness and old age is a mystery. Both are pregnant by the work of the Holy Spirit. Secondly, the Unborn Baby leaping for joy: It was Elizabeth’s unborn son who sensed the presence of savior in Mary’s womb first even before Elizabeth sensed the presence of Savior in Mary. Age or any human faculties are not necessary for the Holy Spirit to work.

The mystery of Mary’s pregnancy is like a mirror for us in understanding our Spiritual pregnancy. By the power of the Holy Spirit each one of us has become the dwelling place of God. God dwells within us. Each one of us is a God-bearer, spiritually pregnant with God.  We are called to carry the presence of God in the world. Amen.

Fr. Jerry Joseph Vallomkunnel MCBS

Daily Reading, Saints

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