Saint Pope John Paul II Quotes for a Blissful Lenten Season

St. Pope John Paul II addressed the church community during each year’s Lenten season. Below are five quotes from the Lenten messages of St. John Paul that can help encourage and strengthen our personal Lenten journeys.

“Christ has gained for us not only new dignity in our life on earth, but above all the new dignity of the children of God, called to share eternal life with him. Lent invites us to overcome the temptation of seeing the realities of this world as definitive and to recognize that ‘our homeland is in heaven’ (Phil 3:20)” —St. John Paul II, “Message of John Paul II for Lent 1999”

“Lent is a time of truth. Christians, called by the Church to prayer, penance, fasting and self-sacrifice, place themselves before God and recognize themselves; they rediscover themselves.” —St. John Paul II, “Message of His Holiness John Paul II for Lent 1981”

“These are the precious weeks [of Lent] offered by the Church to all Christians, in order to help them to reflect upon their profound identity as children of the heavenly Father and as brothers and sisters of all human beings.” —St. John Paul II, “Message of His Holiness John Paul II for Lent 1983”

Saint John Paul II Quote about Lent Being a Time to Make a Gift of Ourselves to the Father
“At the end of Lent, the celebration of the Paschal Mystery shows how the Lenten journey of purification culminates in the free and loving gift of self to the Father.” —St. John Paul II, “Message of the Holy Father John Paul II for Lent 1997”

“Lent is the favourable time to offer to the Lord sincere thanks for the wonders he has done for humanity in every age, and especially in the Redemption when he did not spare his own Son (cf. Rom 8:32).” —St. John Paul II, “Message of John Paul II for Lent 1999”

Daily Reading, Saints

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