The scriptures clearly record two people who loved God dearly- David and Mary Magdalene. David is the one who insists on loving the God who pays the price. David’s response to the Jebusite, who offered to give David his threshing floor and all his sacrifices for free, illustrates his priceless love for God. “No, but I will buy them from you for a price; I will not offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God that cost me nothing.” (2 Sam. 24:24).
God testified that he was after his own heart. Mary wanted to pay three hundred Denarii for her love for Jesus. All the theologists and historians record that the perfume he bought was precious. Even those who were proud to be friends of Jesus felt this was a waste.
The Lord, who has enriched those who loved dearly with inestimable blessings, has given her love the highest promise. “She has performed a good service for me. For you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me,” (Matthew 26:13).
We can practice valuing God’s love by doing even the smallest things in daily life with great love. Your health, your time, your skills, your passions, everything can be given to him. He who fulfills priceless promises honors those who paid the price and waits for your love.