1. You have money and you have means, and you will have no trouble in finding all the priests you want to direct your institutes. But poor boys have nothing, and that is why I cannot and must nor forsake them… I am giving up this post (Rifugio) to devote myself more fully to the care of these boys. (358)

2. Youth is the most precious segment of human society, upon whom all hopes of a happy fixture is founded…. If at times these youngsters are already infected by evil, it is more often through thoughtlessness than through deliberate malice. These youngsters truly need a helping hand to take care of them, and to lead them away from evil to the practice of virtue…. The Holy Church has always been and always will be the teacher of men, and its law is so perfect that it can adapt itself to the vicissitudes of tie times and to the temperaments of all men. Oratories are in my opinion, a suitable means for teaching moral principles to uneducated and underprivileged boys. When I chose this particular work in the sacred ministry, it was my intention to consecrate all my efforts to the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls. My purpose was to make of them good citizens here on earth, and one day, worthy inhabitants of heaven. May God help me to continue this task until my dying breath. (36).

3. If you want your reprimand to bear fruit, never give it in the presence of others. Try to win their love; then they will obey you readily. You can never be strict enough in those matters which help preserve morality. (122).

4. You’re wrong my friend. These things would have been done. God alone is responsible for them…. They are the work of his hands. (387).

5. But a warm welcome is what, above all, attracts boys. To obtain good results in educating youngsters, one must find a way, first to win their love; then they will fear to displease him. (199).

6. If it were granted to me this day to contemplate heavenly things and appear before the Blessed Virgin’s throne, how I would love to describe to you, my brothers, Her Immaculate Holiness, Her Beauty, Her great merits and mercy, Her dignity as the mother of God…. Unfortunately I am as yet only a pilgrim, far away from my heavenly home and our beloved Mother. Yet our Faith comes to our aid, and full of this Faith I shall speak of Mary, who is all-compassion, all benignity towards us…. (87).

7. A day that will fill the heart with remorse and fear of God’s judgement cannot be called a day of amusement. (24).

8. It will be on these occasions that I realized there is no need for sublime, rare or unusual topics, to teach effectively and please the people. All they want is to understand what the preacher is talking about. If they do, they are satisfied; if not, they are bored. Constant practice in this kind of speaking taught me how to preach. Had I studied the best works on sacred eloquence and read the sermons of the most celebrated preachers, I am sure I would have not succeeded in being effective with people to…. Then it is also necessary to narrate in the minutest detail whatever example one had chosen for pointing out a moral. But above all, and I shall never tire of repeating it, the people must understand. Whatever the preacher says must be adapted to their intelligence, and should say nothing obscure or beyond their understanding…. a prerequisite for preparation and logical development of a sermon is a clear idea, of the topic; it will then expand of its own accord. A good draft is sufficient the actual words will be prompted by the circumstances. (179 – 180).

9. “What habit will your members (society) wear?” asked the visitors. “VIRTUE”,replied Don Bosco. (321).

10. I want to thank you for the love you have shown me during my illness. I want to thank you for the prayers and sacrifices you said for my recovery. I am convinced that God granted me an extension of life in answer to your prayers. Therefore, gratitude demands that I spend it for your temporal and spiritual welfare. ( 586)

Daily Reading, Saints

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