Prayer that Help us to Use the New Media with Wisdom

Modern media is having a huge impact on human life today. The media has grown to the point where it has an inescapable significance in one’s life. The media, which has a lot of good qualities, hides many bad effects. So the proper use of media is a very important one.

Here is St. Aquinas’ powerful prayer for the proper use of the media and for our actions, views, and chats online not to harm the souls of ourselves and others:

‘O God, the Infinite Creator, you have appointed three great angels out of the wealth of your wisdom. You have amazed the universe by setting up an array of angels to worship you. O God, the source of true wisdom and light, pour out your divine light on the darkened state of my mind. Save me from the darkness of sin and ignorance in which I was born.

O thou that makest the lips of babes to speak, sanctify my words, and fill my lips with truth, and fill me with goodness. God bless you for using words carefully, enhancing memory, learning, interpreting, and speaking properly. Guide me also into the good behaviors and to avoid displaying some profane ones. Amen. ‘


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