Finding peace of mind is a very important matter for every person. A peaceful atmosphere is needed to move forward in life happily and to keep it balanced. But despite all that is going on outside, a lack of peace of mind and worries about the future still haunt us. Saint Bridget taught a prayer that helps us to move forward with hope by giving up completely to God in such situations.
Bridget was a saint who lived in the 14th century. She was the one who received many revelations about the sufferings of Christ. Below is the holy prayer was written by her asking God to send His peace into our hearts:
“My dear Jesus, be with me tonight. Convince my mind that nothing will come into my life without your permission and that you will not give me anything beyond what I can bear. O Jesus, Son of God ..let me be silent as you were silent before your accusers.
Guide them also into the good behaviors and to avoid displaying some profane ones. Answer the petitions I submit to you during the crisis of life, just as the wounded approach the physician for help, so I come to you for help now. Lord, grant my peace to my heart. Amen. “