Diagnosis of growing cancerous cells in the body will make worry to everyone. Here is a saint for the people who suffer from the darkness of cancer.
Saint Peregrine was known to have received a healing miracle, which later led to his recognition as the patron saint of cancer and malignant growths. According to church history, St. Peregrine served St. Philip as a Servite priest. St. Peregrine worked alongside St. Philip in his preaching work, while nursing an ailment that he had been suffering from for years.
Saint Peregrine had been suffering from a horrible pain affecting his right leg. Roman physicians concluded that the ailment was cancer and that his leg had to be amputated immediately. A day before the surgery, however, Peregrine Laziosi pleaded to the crucifix in the Servite monastery for a miracle until he passed out. While unconscious, St. Peregrine dreamed of Jesus Christ descending from the cross and curing his cancer. He awoke to a healed leg as if it had not been affected by cancer the night before.
aint Peregrine had been suffering from a horrible pain affecting his right leg. Roman physicians concluded that the ailment was cancer and that his leg had to be amputated immediately. A day before the surgery, however, Peregrine Laziosi pleaded to the crucifix in the Servite monastery for a miracle until he passed out. While unconscious, St. Peregrine dreamed of Jesus Christ descending from the cross and curing his cancer. He awoke to a healed leg as if it had not been affected by cancer the night before.
Suffering made him closer to God. Let’s pray to Saint Peregrine for curing the unwanted growths of the body with those who suffer from cancer.