Pope Francis Urges Uruguayan Judges to Unite in Fight Against Inequality

Pope Francis has urged Uruguayan judges to unite in the fight against inequality emphasizing that there’s much work to be done to leave behind an “unequal and expulsive” society. In a letter to the judges, he encouraged them to have courage, stressing that the State, not the market, is responsible for creating harmony and guaranteeing social justice.

The Pope’s message was part of the launch of the Uruguay Chapter of the Pan-American Committee of Judges for Social Rights and Franciscan Doctrine (COPAJU), which took place on November 11 at the Faculty of Law of the University of the Republic. He warned against being misled by formulas that have already caused harm to many, instead advocating for a fair and equitable distribution of wealth to ensure everyone is part of the economic and social system.

Pope Francis also highlighted the importance of trusting in the path of José Artigas, a national hero, and quoted Uruguayan singer-songwriter Alfredo Zitarrosa, saying the law should not only trap the vulnerable while letting the powerful go unscathed. He concluded by calling on judges to make basic rights a reality and to focus on eradicating poverty rather than just hiding its symptoms.

This isn’t the first time Pope Francis has spoken out against economic inequality. He has previously condemned the concentration of wealth among a few individuals and corporations, leaving millions behind.

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