Pope Francis to Medjugorje Youth Festival: ‘Follow the example of Mary’

Pope Francis urged the thousands of young people in Medjugorje this week to follow the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who leads us closer to Christ.

On 2 August, in a message to the Medjugorje Youth Festival published by the Vatican, the Pope said that “it takes courage” to live like Christ.

“Beloved, do not be afraid. Go to Him with all that you are carrying within your heart. He is the only Lord who offers true refreshment and true peace. Follow the example of Mary, his and our Mother, who will lead you to Him,” Pope Francis said.

“Entrust yourselves to the Stella Maris, a sign of hope on the rough seas, who guides us towards the harbor of peace. She, who knows her Son, will help you to imitate him in your relationship with God the Father, in compassion for your neighbor, and in the awareness of what we are called to be, children of God.”

Archbishop Aldo Cavalli, the papal envoy in Medjugorje, read aloud the Pope’s message on the second day of the 33rd Medjugorje Youth Festival taking place in Bosnia and Herzegovina August 1-6.

“At this moment, in the heart of summer, the Lord invites you to take a vacation with him in the most special place there is — your heart,” the Pope said in the message that he signed on July 16, the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

The Medjugorje Youth Festival, also known as “Mladifest,” is focused on prayer and includes daily Mass, Eucharistic adoration, and a candlelight procession.

The theme of this year’s festival is inspired by Christ’s words in the Gospel of Matthew: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Pope Francis said that the Lord knows “how difficult life can be and that there are many things that strain our hearts: many disappointments, various wounds from the past, burdens that we carry and injustices we bear, many uncertainties and worries.”

“Jesus tells us, ‘Come to me and learn from me.’ This is an invitation to move, not to stand still, frozen and afraid before life, and to rely on Him. It sounds easy, but in dark moments it becomes natural to close-in on ourselves. Instead, Jesus wants to pull us out, so He says, ‘Come.’ The way out is via relationship, in looking up to the One who truly loves us.”

The alleged Marian apparitions in Medjugorje have been a source of controversy and conversion since their beginning, with many flocking to the city for pilgrimage and prayer, and some claiming to have experienced miracles at the site, while many others claim the visions are not credible.

“Dear young people, while you are resting in Jesus Christ during these days, I entrust you all to the Blessed Virgin Mary, our heavenly Mother, so that, through her intercession and with her example, you may take upon yourself the gentle and light yoke of following Christ,” Pope Francis said in his message.


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