Pope Francis’s Suggestions Invoking the Protection of the Archangels

Pope Francis encouraged to invoke his protection to cooperate in God’s plan of salvation on the occasion of the feast day of the Holy Archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel. The Pope recommended entrusting himself to the Holy Archangels to receive protection “in the fight against the seductions of the devil.”

In addition, the Pope suggested praying to the Archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel so that they “help us bring the Good News and take us by the hand on the path of life so that we can cooperate in God’s plan of salvation.”

Let us entrust ourselves today to the #HolyArchangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel, so that they protect us in the fight against the seductions of the devil, help us bring the Good News and take us by the hand on the path of life so that we can cooperate in the God’s plan of salvation.

The feast of the Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael and prayed that it “inspires in each one a sincere adherence to the divine plans”.

The Holy Father is invited to “know how to recognize and follow the voice of the inner Master, who speaks in the secret of conscience.”

Finally, the Pope asked for prayers for the Vatican Gendarmerie “which has Saint Michael the Archangel as its patron, so that they may always follow the example of the Holy Archangel and the Lord bless them for all the good they do.”

Every September 29 the Catholic Church celebrates the Holy Archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel.

Michael in Hebrew means “Who is like God!”, an expression that evokes his divine greatness, love and justice. San Miguel is usually represented with a sword and stepping on the devil.

Rafael means “Medicine of God” or “God has brought about health”. He is the archangel friend of walkers and doctor of the sick.

Gabriel means “Fortress of God”. He was the one who announced to the Virgin Mary that she would be the Mother of God.

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