Pope Francis Prays for the Victims of the Accident in Mexico

Pope Francis expressed his solidarity to the victims of the accident in Chiapas (Mexico). The caused the death of more than 50 migrants and numerous injuries.

The Holy Father said that he prays for the eternal rest of the deceased and expressed his deep sorrow to the families of the victims, in his telegram released on December 10.

Signed by the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the telegram was sent to the Archbishop of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mons. Fabio Martínez Castilla.

“Pope Francis, deeply saddened to hear the painful news of the traffic accident that occurred in Chiapas, which has caused the death of more than 50 migrants and many injured, offers his prayers for the eternal rest of the deceased.”

Likewise, the Holy Father expressed “his deep regret for him to the families of the victims, together with his heartfelt expressions of closeness and consolation, of lively solicitude and desire for the prompt recovery of the wounded.”

Finally, in these moments of pain, the Pontiff imparted “from the heart the comforting Apostolic Blessing, as a pledge of hope in the Risen Christ.”

The accident occurred on the afternoon of 9 December. A speeding truck overturned on the highway to Tuxtla Gutiérrez. The vehicle was clandestinely transporting around 150 crowded people.

The Archdiocese of Tuxtla also expressed its “deep sadness” over the terrible accident that “adds to a long list of sufferings suffered by our migrant brothers in their transit through our country.”

“We raise our prayers to God, rich in mercy, and in consolation for these brothers of ours who have lost their lives in such away. We also pray to God for those who have been injured in this accident, particularly those who are more serious. We ask the Lord to look at them with compassion, strengthen them internally, and that, in his will, restore their life and health “, indicated in a message the Archbishop of Tuxtla, Mgr. Fabio Martínez Castilla, and the person in charge of the pastoral social, P. Gilberto Hernández García.

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