People See ‘Luminous Angels’ in the Sky of Ukraine

The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church leader said that many people told him that they have seen “luminous angels over the land of Ukraine.”

Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk was speaking in a video message on March 4 in the besieged Ukrainian capital Kyiv. Kyiv is specially dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel.

“Here in Kyiv we perceive that the patron of our city is the Archangel Michael who with the cry ‘Who is like God?’ cast into the abyss Lucifer — the one who rose up against God’s truth and was the leader of the diabolical armies,” he said.

“We perceive today that the Archangel Michael together with the whole Heavenly Host is fighting for Ukraine. So many people from throughout Ukraine are turning to me saying that they saw luminous angels over the land of Ukraine.”

He added: “Today we pray: O Archangel Michael and all the Powers of Heaven, fight for Ukraine! Cast down that devil who is attacking us and killing us, bringing devastation and death!”

The city’s association with the Archangel Michael dates back to the medieval era, when the saint featured on the seals of the grand princes of Kievan Rus.

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