Novena to Saint John Bosco: Day 07

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Opening Sentence

We thank you, Lord, for John Bosco. You gave him a heart full of love and as dilated as the shores of the seas. In it, thousands of men and women have been able to discover that it is you, God of love, who is present as the origin, source and goal of everything.

We thank you, Lord, because you have visited your Church with holy men like John Bosco. He has lit a flame and others keep it lit, so that young people and children in the world see and feel your presence of a close God, a friend of God.

We thank you, Lord, for John Bosco, father and teacher of the youth, prophet of education in new times, dear friend of the young, who said: “It is enough for me that you are young for me to love you.” Witnesses like this are enough for many of us to believe that You are the God of love. Amen.

Prayer for the Seventh Day

O Holy Don Bosco! You who loved all souls with ineffable love, and who sent your children to the farthest ends of the earth to save them; make us also continually think about the salvation of our souls and cooperate with all possible means to save so many poor brothers of ours.

Prayer to Obtain a Grace

Oh Don Bosco Santo, when you were on this earth there was no one who came to you, but you yourself were kindly received, consoled and helped. Now in heaven, where charity is perfected, how much must your great heart burn in love for those in need! Look, then, at my present needs and help me by obtaining myself from the Lord… (Ask for grace) .

You too have experienced privations, illnesses, contradictions, the uncertainty of the future, ingratitude, insults, slander, persecution, and you know what it is to suffer.

Therefore, O Holy Don Bosco, turn your kind gaze towards me and obtain for me from the Lord what I ask of you, if it is advantageous for my soul; or if not, reach me some other grace that is even more useful to me, and a filial conformity to the divine will in all things, at the same time as a virtuous life and a holy death. Amen.

An Our Father, Hail Mary, God Save you and Glory are prayed.

Prayer to Don Bosco

Father and Teacher of youth,
Saint John Bosco,
docile to the gifts of the Spirit and open to the realities of your time,
you were for the young, especially for the little ones and the poor,
a sign of God’s love and predilection .
Be our guide on the path of friendship with the Lord Jesus,
so that we discover in Him and in His Gospel
the meaning of our life
and the source of true happiness.
Help us to respond generously
to the vocation we have received from God, to be builders of communion in
daily life , and to collaborate enthusiastically, in communion with the whole Church, in building the civilization of love.
Obtain for us the grace of perseverance
by living a high level of Christian life,
according to the spirit of the beatitudes;
and make sure that, guided by Mary Help of Christians,
we can one day meet with you
in the great family of heaven. Amen.

Daily Reading, Saints

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