Novena to the Infant Jesus of Prague: Day 04

Opening Prayer:

O Holy Infant Jesus of Prague, behold us prostrate at Thy feet imploring Thy blessing and assistance. We firmly believe in Thy goodness, Thy love and Thy mercy. We also know that the more we honor Thee, the more Thou wilt bless us. Remember that thou hast told us to ask, to seek, and to knock at the Door of Thy Infinite Mercy. So it is with the greatest confidence that we kneel before Thee today. Teach us how to ask that we may receive; show us how o seek what we find. Be pleased to listen while we knock, O Divine Infant Jesus, and open Thy loving Heart to our trustful supplication. Amen.
O Mary, Mother of God and our Immaculate Mother pray to Jesus for us.


Humility of Jesus

“Learn of me because I am meek and humble of heart.” (Matt. 11:29)

With these encouraging words, Jesus invites us to study Him so that we may learn to imitate His virtues. What is it to be meek and humble? Meekness is synonymous with gentleness, docility and submissiveness. To be humble means to be lowly; That is not to prefer oneself to others and to be sincere. Humility is also truthfulness. Humility is the truth! We know that the entire life of Jesus upon earth was an act of submission to His Heavenly Father. This is the reason Jesus was subject to Mary and Joseph who were placed over him as guardians here on earth. For thirty years He lived in obscurity, fulfilling the decrees of his Father in heaven.

During the three years of his public ministry, our Divine Master proved Himself to be humble in many ways, especially by always telling the truth. Cost what it might, Jesus always spoke the truth openly and fearlessly. When Jesus announced that He was the Living Bread that came down from heaven, many of his listeners doubted, scoffed at, and ridiculed Him. Others argued with Him. Again, when He assured them that his flesh was meat indeed and His blood was drunk indeed, they replied that this was a hard saying; that they could not accept it. After that many walked no more with Him.

They refused to follow Jesus. Did Our Divine Savior change the statement and call them back? No; Jesus did not; for, He had told them the truth. Jesus is humble, and humility is the truth! Not only is Jesus humble, but he is meek of Heart. During His Sacred Passion, Our Divine Redeemer meekly held His peace. With the greatest docility, He submitted to all the outrages heaped upon him. All was accepted in obedience to the Will of His Father.
Finally, it was on the Cross where Jesus gave us the most wonderful example of His meekness and humility. While the rulers of the temple derided and jeered, not a word of retaliation escaped the sacred lips of our suffering Master. It is therefore by contemplating our Crucifix that we shall learn how to appreciate the admirable meekness and humility of the loving Heart of Jesus.

“The Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us.” He dwelt amongst us in grace and in truth. May our souls be imbued with the meekness and humility of the Only Begotten Son of the Father Who came down to earth in order to show us the way to heaven by His teaching and example.

Concluding Prayer

O Sweetest Infant Jesus, teach me the virtue of true humility. As Thou didst increase in wisdom and grace during Thy life in Nazareth, grant me an increase of every blessing. Hear my prayer, most loving Jesus; and, if it is pleasing to Thee and beneficial to me, grant me the earnest petitions of this Novena (Here mention petition)… Help me to always remember that the humble shall be exalted, and the proud shall be turned away empty. Grant me the grace to obtain that rest to my soul which Thou hast promised to all those who listen to Thy loving invitation. While studying Thy Sacred Heart, may they find rest for their souls. Amen.
O Mary of Nazareth, lowly handmaid of the Lord, pray for us!

Pater, Ave, Gloria. (Once)

Jesus, meek and humble of heart make my heart like unto thine.

Daily Reading, Saints

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