Multiple Colours of Lent

We see purple vestments and altar cloths during Lent. Lent purples differ from the purples of Advent. Red-toned purples belong to Lent and are considered penitential. They are called “Roman purples” and refer to the imperial colour. Red tones also symbolize the passion of the Lord Jesus. The purples of Advent are blue in tone. The symbolism of the colour purple in this context has to do with penitence, remembrance, royalty, and spiritual wealth. Purple is the colour of royalty. In ancient times, they were the only ones who could afford it. So we can easily say that ‘the King of Jews’ can be symbolized with purple.

But have you noticed the other colours of Lent? There are other colours in Lent, even if they aren’t officially liturgical.

The priests wear the green vestments during Ordinary Time. However, since each Mass is a celebration of Easter, we can still find this colour of new life.

For example, the first reading speaks of the Garden of Eden. There is nothing like a garden for greenery. Remember also that Jesus’ tomb was in a garden. So while we lament, this Sunday, the loss of Eden, we should also remember the garden of resurrection.

Hyssop is a woody plant with small, dark green leaves, perfect for the sprinkling rite. Hyssop is also valued for its flowers and is cultivated by beekeepers.

Psalm 51 also mentions snow. Here we again have hints of Easter; white is the liturgical Easter colour — signifying the risen power of Christ. Next week, the Gospel will tell us of the Transfiguration, when Jesus’ clothes became “dazzling white.”

After purple, the main colour of Lent could be grey as were the ashes with which we were signed. Those ashes came from the green palms of last Palm Sunday. Now dry and yellowed, those palms were collected last month to be burned. Mixed with oil — itself a yellow amber — those ashes became an almost black paste.

The final colour of Lent is brown. Remember the desert where Jesus spent 40 days. There, the devil tempted him to turn stones into bread. The Lord refused. However, we know that, later in his ministry, Jesus did make bread — good, brown bread — to feed thousands.


Daily Reading, Saints

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