“It was something I never dreamed of. I accept God’s will with humility” – this was the first response of Archbishop Anthony Poola, who was appointed the world’s first ‘Dalit Cardinal’. While Pope Francis announced the names of the new cardinals from St. Peter’s Square in Rome on 29 May 2022, Anthony Poola, the Archbishop of Hyderabad has been attending a meeting in Kerala. When his friends who came to know the news from television informed him about this matter, he denied it as fake news. Later the Papal Nuncio from the Vatican informed him over the telephone that he was appointed Cardinal along with Archbishop Philip Neri from Goa.
Archbishop Anthony Poola created a Cardinal today and he is the world’s first ‘Dalit Cardinal’. The Catholic Church witnessed a historic moment when Pope Francis installed the red cap on Archbishop Anthony Poola at the consistory held in Rome; for India, it is a moment of spiritual celebration too.
Cardinal Anthony Poola joins catholicnews.in with his pastoral experiences in the midst of prayerful preparations and busy schedule.
‘I Want to Become a Priest to Serve the Poor’
Cardinal Anthony Poola was born on 15 November 1961, at Polur in the Diocese of Kurnool, Hyderabad to Poola Chinna Anthony and Arogyamma. He completed his primary education at Chintukur School.
“When I reached class 9, the missionary priest Fr. Bon joined me to a seminary. So I could complete classes 9 and 10 from Kurnool Seminary. After that, I wanted to become a priest as well as acquire academic education. So, I joined to do B. Com in STBC College, Andhra Pradesh. Those three years were not easy for me. It was a big challenge to find the money for food and room rent, so I went to college quitting breakfast for three years.
After completing my graduation, my spiritual father, Fr. Albert Vegas encouraged me to make a decision in my life. What I am now is only with the help of many missionaries who helped me when I did not have enough money for my studies and formation. Therefore, I wanted to become a priest like them to serve the poor. So, I surrendered myself to God for helping the poor people at the bottom of the society and to give them the support in their needs” – the Cardinal opened his mind to Catholicnews.in.
After that, he became a diocesan seminary student at Cuddapah (Kadappa) Minor Seminary. As both God and the Church authorities understood that education is very important to Brother Anthony, and since he is a seminary student, God specifically entrusted him to work as a school hostel warden. After his studies, he was ordained a priest on 20 February 1992. From then until today, heaven had big plans for this simple unassuming priest. It was a big mission that God gave to a priest who firmly believed that social inequality in society can be eradicated only through education and empowerment.
The Humble Priest, The Gentle Missionary
During the sixteen and a half years of priesthood, Fr. Anthony Poola headed the responsibilities of various parishes. Along with that, he also handled the responsibilities of day schools and boarding schools in the mission areas of the Diocese. When he was in charge of the Our Lady of Fatima Church in Badvel, Andhra Pradesh, he also managed Boarding schools there. In such a situation, he could extend his heart and mind simultaneously to the pastoral service and education for five years there. After that, he became the parish priest of another mission parish, named Veeraballi. Here also God had given the same responsibilities to Fr. Anthony. Along with the parish responsibility, he had charge of four elementary schools and a UP school there.
Later, he was assigned to serve as a parish priest in St. Joseph City, Michigan, USA. He did his PG in Clinical Pastoral Education at Loyola University, Chicago. After completing his studies, Fr. Anthony soon returned to India where a more onerous responsibility given to him. He was appointed the Deputy General Manager of Kadappa and Chittoor Schools. During this period, he was able to devise and execute various schemes for the vocational education of the youth which was one of his great aims. His excellent work was able to convey the goal of a good career along with education to the minds of the students. Then he served as the director of the ‘Christian Foundation for Children and Aging’ for four years.
Cardinal Poola is a noble, unassuming person who treats everyone with kindness no matter who is in front of him. He believes that education is a basic right that should be enjoyed by all regardless of gender, economic status, and caste. That is why, along with his clerical duties, he made special efforts for the education of children and youth.
The Beloved Shepherd of the Good Shepherd
He was appointed the Bishop of Kurnool Diocese on 8 February 2008. He recalls that his twelve-and-a-half years of pastoral life in preparing him for this responsibility. In the poor villages of his diocese, Bishop Anthony worked tirelessly to improve education and women empowerment, along with carrying the Gospel of Christ. “No child should be deprived of education because of poverty,” he adopted as the bishop’s motto when he was consecrated. From this, we can understand the clarity of his broad vision on how to banish the darkness in society with Gospel-oriented activities and liberating education. Later, on 19 November 2020, he was appointed Archbishop of Hyderabad Archdiocese.
“Seeing the piety and enthusiasm of the poor men in the remote villages, I felt great compassion and love for them; and I felt that the poor, at least, had a great responsibility to educate their children. They had neither money to give nor property to sell. But if we educate them, it would be the greatest gift we could give them.”- says the Cardinal.
First Dalit Cardinal of the Catholic Church
The elevation of Archbishop Anthony Poola to the rank of Cardinal attracted the global attention. The Indian as well as the foreign media and the Church leadership see this as a very positive and affirmative action. “I consider this as the Pope’s special concern and love for South India. Something that I did not even think about in my dreams happened, but I believe that it is the Pope’s special attention to marginalized communities. Pope Francis may be hoping that it is the honor of the lower classes in society and the need of the times to solve their problems. Therefore, I see this as a global responsibility to evangelize the poor and do everything possible. I will try to do my best to share the Good news to the poor” – the Cardinal reveals to Catholicnews.in.
Renowned theologian Fr. Felix Wilfred described in one of his articles: “Dalits don’t need a cardinal. But the Church needs a Dalit Cardinal. This need is fulfilled now.” Even though the Constitution of India abolished untouchability and discrimination, these inequalities still exist in various forms and degrees. This restricts basic human rights, opportunities, and social dignity available to unprivileged groups. Archbishop Anthony became a priest to work for such people and dedicated his life for others as a consecrated person of Christ.
The Power of Prayer
Cardinal Anthony can rightly be described as a great missionary of simplicity and gentleness. People find him approachable, compassionate and receptive.
This amiable priest’s visions are always built up in ardent prayer. He spends much time in the Adoration Chapel. His modesty and graceful interactions are the greatest evidence of how close he is to God and Mother Mary. It is certain that his holy hands will faithfully handle the great responsibility of being a Cardinal.
Jesus Christ is the one who broke down the walls of segregation. The life of Cardinal Anthony Poola is the sum total of the teachings and views of Christ. There are some groups of people whom Jesus gave special attention to – women, children, the poor, those who have been branded as untouchables, the oppressed, those who are facing racial discrimination, etc. Keeping all of them close to him, Christ gave his public life as an example to the world. This similarity can be very much visible in the life of Cardinal Anthony. Those whom Christ kept close to him; he also keeps them close to him. “He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor” (Luke 4:18), Cardinal Anthony Poola carries in his heart what Jesus Christ said right from when he began his prophetic mission.
Catholicnews.in wishes a prayerful pastoral life ahead to the Cardinal-designate Anthony Poola, who is a guardian of mercy, and always remains a humble servant of the Lord.
Sunisha V.F.