Methods to Adapt a Peaceful Mind 

Achieving and maintaining peace is a difficult task these days. Especially it is very difficult to find inner peace. In the life of a Christian, however, different ways of finding peace have been presented by different people at different times.

For example, in The Spiritual Combat, published in 1589, Fr. Lorenzo Scopoli has suggested some ways to achieve peace. Let’s get acquainted with them …

1. Get rid of all the things that frustrate and terrify you and keep striving for the holiness of the soul.

2. Trust in God, He would reward you for your efforts.

3. Do not be discouraged when tempted and persecuted, but trust in God and move forward in the faith.

4. Achieving peace is like taking a long time to build a house. Understand that inner peace must be achieved slowly.

5. Peace is given by God, but there must be a constant effort on our part to achieve it.

6. Keep in mind that peace can only be achieved through humility and modesty.

Daily Reading, Saints

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