Catholic News shares a matter written by Sister Ligy Payyappilly, an Indian nun, who has been serving the wounded people of Ukraine. She and her community rehabilitate the people who are in the valley of tears and blood with the fervent love of God.
It is the first month of summer, but for Ukrainians, it is still winter, still February. This winter will last until we win in this war, which intends to deprive us of our freedom granted to us by the Lord. To die because you are Ukrainian does not mean to rush to death, it means the ability to choose life.
We, Sisters of St Joseph of Saint-Marc, have received several hundreds of refugees since the war broke out. Eighty people stayed with us for more than two months while others, having stayed for several days, moved abroad.
We have three premises on our territory: a premise for the elderly, where 18 abandoned persons currently live; the monastery, which has become home for numerous people trying to escape the terrors of the war, and the recollection house, which is under construction. The capacity of this facility will enable us to accept up to 120 people. We need financial support to finish the construction of these premises. Why? War is a traumatic experience that occurs on the very first day and, unfortunately, does not finish on the day when the end of war is announced. Ukraine continues to be in a state of war and we don’t know when it will end…but whenever it happens, we will have to face and overcome the consequences of it for a very long time. A lot of women and children have been raped by inhuman creatures. Parents were forced to witness the murder of their children, and vice versa, many children saw how their parents were killed. A huge number of families lost momentarily everything they had: home, job, and possibility to plan their future. All this is a horrible trauma and wound which will not heal on the day when victory is proclaimed. We are deeply convinced the day of victory will come! Therefore we are aware that there is an urgent need to have a place where a person could come and get healed from their wounds, which cannot be healed with human help only. This house should be the HOUSE OF DIVINE MERCY! The hospital where THE DOCTOR is waiting for a patient that doesn’t have any hope for life… This doctor is Jesus! We long for having this house completed so that people could stay there for a while and we, as his tools, could accompany these people on their way to healing.
We already have experienced how vital such «hospitals» for the soul are. In the first month of the war, a mother with two children arrived. Her younger son couldn’t speak and eat because of fear. In a week of their stay with us, taking part in prayers, the child started eating again and eventually started speaking. They continue living in our monastery. The kid doesn’t even mention the horrors he has experienced. Similarly, there was a woman from Kyiv. Having arrived at our place, she stammered. In a short while, having attended daily prayers, she started speaking normally again. Thus, we have numerous examples of families that regained peace being in our monastery…. It is unbelievable though that peace is available nowadays. But it is the Divine peace, not the one offered by the world. Jesus taught us this. We are his witnesses! Even at the time of war, you can experience deep peace, not depending on what is going on around you.
We have extensive experience in conducting prayers of praise and adoration during which we pray for internal and physical healing. We have seen multiple times how the Lord acts in cases when even the medicine said: «it is the end».
Every day a lot of people come to us for prayer. Now most of them are women whose husbands or sons are at war. They find hope and strength to live, find through prayer and relation to Jesus. It is absolutely vital to have a place where people who are deeply injured can come and be in the arms of Jesus, who knows what suffering is, so he can understand best of all.
That is why we address everyone who can help. May the Lord return it a thousandfold!
(If anyone wishes to extend their hands of help please contact:
Sr. Ligy Payyappilly