May Devotion 20 – MARY: OUR HOPE

“Our Lady, a full participant in the work of our salvation, fol­lows in the footsteps of her son: the poverty of Bethlehem, the everyday work of a hidden life in Nazareth, the manifestation of his divinity in Cana of Galilee, the tortures of his passion, the di­vine sacrifice on the cross, the eternal blessedness of paradise.

“All of this affects us directly, because this supernatural itiner­ary is the way we are to follow. Mary shows us that we can walk this path with confidence. She has preceded us on the way of im­itating Christ; her glorification is the firm hope of our own salva­tion. For these reasons we call her ‘our hope, cause of our joy.’ ” 26

Let us offer to our Mother today:

A smile when we do not feel like smiling.

Daily Reading, Saints

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