Saint Aldemar was an abbot and miracle worker, called “the Wise.” He was born in Capua, Italy. He became a monk in Monte Cassino and was called to the attention of a Princess Aloara of the region.
When she built a new convent in Capua, Alder was appointed the director of the religion in the established house. He performed many miracles in this capacity. Aldemar was reassigned by his abbot to Monte Cassino, a move that angered the princess. As a result, Aldemar went to Bovino, Italy, where a companion involved in the dispute tried to kill him. Aldemar fled into the region of Bocchignano, Abruzzi, where he founded several more religious houses.
Later, Aldemar established a large monastery in Abruzzi. Gradually, the monastery had branch houses in many other places. The saint himself controlled them all.
He showed great affection for animals and birds. He was very interested in raising bees and birds in his own home and talking to them. In 1080, he died of a fever while touring monasteries.