March 15: Louise de Marillac

Saint Louie de Marillac was born on 12 August 1591, near Le Meux, now in the department of Oise, in Picardy. Louis was a member of the prominent de Marillac family and was a widower at the time of Louise’s birth.

Nevertheless, she was cared for and received an excellent education at the royal monastery of Poissy near Paris, where her aunt was a Dominican nun.

Louise remained at Poissy until her father’s death when she was twelve years old. She then stayed with a devout spinster, from whom she learned household management skills as well as the secrets of herbal medicine. Around the age of fifteen, Louise felt drawn to the cloistered life. She later made an application to the Capuchin nuns in Paris but was refused admission due to her unhealthy conditions.

Devastated by this refusal, Louise was at a loss as to her next step. When she was 22, her family convinced her that marriage was the best alternative. Her uncle arranged for her to marry Antoine Le Gras, secretary to Queen Marie. The couple had their only child, Michel. Louise grew to love Antoine and was an attentive mother to their son. Along with being devoted to her family, Louise was also active in ministry in her parish. She had a leading role in the Ladies of Charity, an organization of wealthy women dedicated to assisting those suffering from poverty and disease.

After that, she met Saint Vincent de Paul. He assigned and made a part of his ministry. Later along with Saint Vincent de Paul, she co-founded the Daughters of Charity. She became the superior of the congregation. She died in 1660 and was beatified in 1934.


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